Sunday, July 3, 2011

June 25- July 1- Week 2 in Italy

Saturday morning Nicole & I had an appointment for pedicures at the local spa in town. The facilities were first rate and 2 young Italian girls- one blonde & one brunette-
 worked diligently on our sandal worn feet.
 We emerged with a lovely french-cut each, and went to the bar next door for a spritz while our toes dried.

Next, it was time for the weeks' grocery shopping in the mall close to town. Along with the grocery store- Emesferro- there was an entire mall full of high end stores. groceries for most of the week for 4 people averaged between EU 100 to 130.
 Next door was a home depot type store called Self  where I bought flowers to plant in the flower pots around the yard.

                                                     View of front of store from parking lot.

                                    And inside the mall- very quiet as it was reposo time!

Later in the afternoon, we went to a local winery to buy our week's supply- LOL
It was located in a nearby village. All the local farmers brought their grapes here, wines were made and all profits shared- an excellent idea!

The sign at front of winery.

And the great selection inside. Bought a case of cabernet plus another 6 pack case of mixed red & whites. Approximately EU 4 per bottle.

And of course you could try before you bought.

On Sunday we went to the village of  Cavasso Nuovo for a festa for the Alpini.
The Alpini are a combination of border patrol/ army reserve/ Mason Society.
Each division/ grouping wears a different plaid shirt and the traditional Alpini hat.
Each sports a feather- black for canon and brown for artillery.

The festival started with a parade through town.

First the band.

Then the Aplini

And more

Then on to the tent for lunch and vino.

Around 400 people were wined & dined inside the tent.
Nicole & Angelo- Fab's friend-waiting for the wine.

our group- Uwe, Nicole, Angelo & Fab

And me in Angelo's Alpini hat with our crazy neighbors beside

And of course the band provided music after the feast.

Even the kids got into the act!

We also took a ride to the top of a nearby hill to check out the gorgeous views.

And the happy retired couple.

The rest of the week we rode our bikes to various local places.
The next village- Bannia

Bike paths everywhere. And along the local river.

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