Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 2 to July 8- Week 3 in Italy

We are getting into a daily rythm, finally, like all retired people seem to. We get up around 7:30 to 8AM- the kids have already left for work and we have the house to ourselves ( other than the company of Suzie the cat and Cindy the dog). We have our coffe reading news on the internet- Uwe on his IPAD and me on the computer- checking what the rest of the world was up to while we were sleepnig. Most days we either walk or bike to the grocery store, do our Spanish lesson in anticipation of our next trip, do our exercise program and take lots of walks. This is often mixed with the odd car ride to nearby destinations.

On Saturday, Nicole & I took a ride to her hairdresser in another nearby village passing through some very cute scenery.

On the way home we stopped at another vineyard- Nicole wanted to buy some strawberry wine- but we came too late- closed for siesta 12-3PM. At the beginning of each row of vines, the farmers plant a rosebush. Roses being far more sensitive to plant diseases aid the farmer by providing early warning .

We also stopped to give Nicole's car a much needed wash at a self-serve car wash where the machine went back and forth around the car- very ingenious!

My daughter who liked nothing smaller than Cadillacs back in Canada now loves her Golf.
How Europe changes your taste in cars- LOL!

Later  Sunday evening, we all drove to a village called Vivaro where there was a restaurant serving fabulous pizza- so Fab's friends had been telling him. We had to try it out.
The pizzas were incredible- went down so fast I didn't even get a picture- next time .
                                                   I did get a picture of Fab's desert though.

Here we are standing out front after our meal.

Later during that week, we took a drive with Fab to Aviano.
This is the gate to the Aviano Airforce Base where we went with Fab one day to deliver a car to an American stationed there.

We also went for a visit the  next village called Ruascedo to visit Fab's friend Barbara.
She and her husband live in an enormous house and own a vineyard that delivers grapes to the same place we bought wine at earlier. This property and farm has been in her husband's family for hundreds of years.

Here are Fab & Barbara in her wonderful kitchen.

And the front of her house

Their vineyards

                                                           And Uwe and her sucky dog Oliver

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