Sunday, December 4, 2011

Exploring New Fruits of Ecuador

Uwe and I go to the Mercado and grocery store- Super Maxi- every week. We've been trying out different fruits, ones that we are not familiar with. Of course, there are all the normal ones that we also buy- bananas, apples, oranges, grapefruits, strawberriers and many others.

           So here are a few of our new discoveries. The first is one called Chirimoya.
Not exactly apetizing looking. When cut open, we spooned it out, discarding the seeds. It tasted a bit like custard- same consistency. Not a keeper- too many seeds.

Next we tried Uvillas. These are cherry size and we have these every day with our cereal. A little tart but very tasty.

We also tried the Pepino.

Tasted a bit like a pear with the same consistency- a keeper.

Our very favorite which we have everyday instead of our normal grapefruit, is the Dragon Fruit or Pitaya.

When cut open and spooned out it is very delicious- juicy, a little sweet and tart. The seeds are tiny so we just eat them.

The Tree Tomatoe or Tamarillo we had tried the first time in a restaurant for desert. It had been mixed with some kind of sauce and was very tasty.

When eaten fresh it is very tart- not our favorite.

And then the Taxo- not my favorite either-lot's of seeds

The Granadilla is my least favorite- you are supposed to eat the gelatanous stuff and throw away the seeds

And then of course there is the delicious mango- everyone loves the mango!

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